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Mac Support and More...
I offer both remote and onsite support of
Macs, iPhones, iPads and more to the NH Seacoast Area.
Phone: 603-686-7115
Skype: mikesmacsnmore

I’ve have been supporting Macs before it was cool to own one.
I was also the kid who reprogrammed your
VCR when it was blinking “12:00”
I am still the person who friends and family call when they have “computer/technology” problems.
After 20 years of doing this as a hobby, I turned it into a business.
I hate to call it a business because it doesn’t seem like “work”.
I love seeing those eye opening moments of my clients when I help them with something they have been struggling with for hours, days, weeks or years.

I can also be found volunteering monthly at:
Seacoast Mac Users Group